Logan County Landfill
Josh Klein, Supervisor
24235 East Highway 6
Sterling, CO 80751
970-520-9451 CELL
970-522-1995 (FAX)
Winter Landfill Hours November 1 - April 30:
Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Sat. 8:00 a.m. - Noon
Summer Landfill Hours May 1 - October 31:
Monday - Saturday 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

The Landfill is closed all county holidays as well extremely windy days or any other days when county offices close due to inclement weather. It is best to call first at the above number if you are in question.
Cash or In-county checks and debit/credit cards are accepted. A 2.19% convenience fee will be charged if a debit/credit card is used.
Two free load certificates, valid for up to 10 yards or five tons of waste have been mailed to each household in rural Logan County. The certificates are color coded for each new year and expire December 31, of each year. Please see the actual certificate for additional details. If you did not receive your certificate in the mail, please call the landfill at the above number.
Fee Schedule Effective July 1, 2024
Accounts Receivable: All amounts outstanding will be billed by the 10th day of the following month, and will be due and payable by the 25th day of the month that they are billed.
Delinquent Accounts: Any account that is not paid in full when due. All delinquent accounts will be reported to the Logan County Board of Commissioners on a monthly basis. The supervisor of the Logan County Solid Waste Site shall have authority to refuse waste on delinquent accounts.
Late Charges: 1.5% will be added monthly to all delinquent accounts.
Manifest: A waste disposal manifest will be filled out and kept on file for each load delivered by a commercial carrier.
Special Waste: Any waste not included in the Specific Waste Index. Special waste is accepted on a case by case basis (price and requirements to be negotiated before delivery).
Right to Reject: Logan County Solid Waste Site reserves the right to reject any or all waste not suitable for the site.
Inspection: All waste is subject to inspection and/or laboratory testing prior to disposal. These wastes will not always be accepted on demand and may require special acceptance disposal fees.
The Solid Waste Disposal Facilities of Logan County are designed to provide services for municipal solid waste (MSW) generated by the residents of Logan County.
Sludge, liquid wastes, combustion renderings, radio active waste, PCB’s, friable asbestos, hazardous wastes, large animals, or car bodies are not accepted. The term “hazardous” means, any solid, liquid, or gaseous waste, regardless of the amount, which is defined to be hazardous under any applicable federal, state, or local laws, rules, regulations, permits, or administrative or judicial decision, including, but not limited to those wastes listed or characterized as hazardous by the U.S. Environmental Agency (EPA).
It is preferable that waste be accepted on a cash on delivery basis. When this is not feasible, charge accounts will be permitted after credit has been properly established.
Recycling Opportunities in Logan County

Trooper’s New Life
Hi, my name is Trooper! I came to the landfill in the back of a city packer the 6th of July, 2023, sprung into a new world not knowing I would find my forever home. All I can say is, “what a ride”! If I could talk I would be able to tell you the story of how I ended up catching a ride like I did, but I am truly grateful to those who rescued me! My new family always say I’m lucky to be alive and that I’m a miracle! Matt and Josh brought me to the office and cleaned me up before taking me to the vet to get an exam, after a night of rest and fluids I was taken in by Kelly to make sure I received the care needed to heal. Today, I’m almost healed from the physical wounds, and my hair is beginning to grow back. I have new friends at the landfill and I see them often, some might say that I’m spoiled but I say “I’m grateful for my hoonans”!