Planning, Zoning and Building Department


Rob Quint, Building Inspector

Lisa Williams, Planning and Zoning Technician

315 Main Street, Suite 2
Sterling, CO 80751
970-522-4018 FAX

8 a.m. – 5 p.m. M-F Closed holidays


Logan County is one of the most productive agricultural counties in Colorado.  Ranching, farming, animal feeding and a variety of agricultural activities are necessary to the county’s vitality, economy, culture, landscape and lifestyle.  Logan County recognizes agricultural operations as valuable, worthy of protection, and supports the right to farm and ranch in a manner consistent with generally accepted agricultural management practices.Residents of property on or near agricultural land should be prepared to accept as normal the inconveniences of agricultural operations.  These may include but are not limited to noise from tractors, equipment and aerial spraying sometimes at night or in the early morning; dust from animal pens, field work, harvesting, and gravel roads; odors from animal confinement operations, silage and manure; smoke from ditch burning; flies and mosquitoes; the use of fertilizers and pesticides, including aerial spraying; and movement of livestock and machinery on public roads.  All normal and non-negligent agricultural operations may not be considered nuisances.Public services in rural areas are not at the same level as urban or suburban settings.  Road maintenance may be at a lower level. Mail delivery may not be as frequent because of distances. Utility services may be nonexistent or subject to longer periods of interruption.  Law enforcement, fire protection and ambulance service will have considerably longer response times.  Snow may not be removed from some county roads for several days after a major storm.  The first priority for snow removal is that school bus routes are normally cleared first.Children are exposed to different hazards in a rural setting than in urban areas.  Farm and oil field equipment, ponds and irrigation ditches, electrical service to pumps and oil field operations, high speed traffic, livestock and territorial farm dogs may present real threats to children.  Children’s activities should be properly supervised for protection of children and livelihoods of farmers and ranchers. 


All rural residents and property owners are encouraged to learn about their rights and responsibilities.   These include obligations under State law regarding maintenance of fences and irrigation ditches, controlling weeds, keeping livestock and pets under control, using property in accordance with zoning, and other aspects of using and maintaining property.  Under Colorado law and Logan Regulations, there may be provisions of which you are unaware.  For example, because Colorado is a Fence Law State, owners of property may be required to fence livestock out in order to recover damages from trespassing livestock.

The goal is to act as good neighbors and citizens. Information about the topics described in this policy may be obtained from the Logan County Cooperative Extension Office, the Planning, Zoning and Building Department and the Board of County Commissioners.
