Logan County Pest Control District
Dave Appelhans, Pest District Supervisor
1115 N. Division Avenue
Sterling, CO 80751
970-522-7856 FAX

Colorado Noxious Weeds (Including Watch List) Effective June, 2020
Incentive Plan
Purpose: To promote the early detection and control of noxious weed species on privately held land within the Logan County Pest Control District.
Qualification: Land must be within the pest control district boundary.
Procedure: Landowner or operator submits a weed map of the property. A suitable weed map is an aerial photo-based map with accurate locations and extent (area) of noxious weed species marked, the entry point for the field marked, and adjacent crops or other hazard areas, such as tree and shrub rows, marked. Special requirements for treating weed spots should be noted, such as plans to pasture with cattle, or days before tillage operations are planned to start. Aerial photos are available from either the NRCS or Logan County Pest Control District.
Spring Treatments: Submit map prior to April 1 for hoary cress (white top) and perennial pepperweed (tall white top).
Submit map prior to May 1 for diffuse knapweed, field bindweed, Canada thistle, musk thistle, jointed goatgrass, silverleaf and woolyleaf bursage (povertyweed).
Submit map prior to July 1 for leafy spurge and purple loosestrife.
Fall Treatments: Submit map prior to September 1 for diffuse knapweed, field bindweed, Canada thistle, musk thistle, silverleaf and woolyleaf bursage (povertyweed).
Action: For each submission, a weed management plan will be developed, implemented and the treatment success will be monitored until control is achieved. We do not plan to achieve eradication with one treatment, which is a practical impossibility. We do not spray in growing field crops.
Once a map is submitted and the management plan created, the job will be placed on an order roster and the jobs will be accomplished in as best a manner possible, depending on weather conditions and time available.
Landowners May Request Assistance With Noxious Weed Control
Landowners may request information about noxious weeds, weeds in general, or request assistance in accomplishing noxious weed control by contacting the Pest Control District Supervisor at the above number or e-mail address.
Requirement To Control Noxious Weeds
Governing legislation for the pest district comes from Colorado Revised Statutes 35-5-(101-123) and Colorado Revised Statutes 35-5.5-(101-109).
Under CRS 35-5-102. Duty to control weeds. It is the duty of all persons owning land or any interest therein in the district, the state department of highways, the boards of county commissioners, school boards, the governing authorities of incorporated towns and cities and of railroads and ditch companies, and those persons supervising state-owned lands to use reasonable means to control the noxious weeds if the same are likely to be materially damaging to the land of neighboring landowners.
Under CRS 35-5.5-104. Duty to manage noxious weeds. It is the duty of all persons to use integrated methods to manage noxious weeds if the same are likely to be materially damaging to the land of neighboring landowners.
If you have noxious weeds that threaten your neighbor’s land and you do not perform control measures, the Logan County Pest Control District has the legal authority and responsibility to enforce appropriate control measures on your land at your expense. Failure to pay the control costs can result in a lien placed upon your property.
History, Mission, Funding
Our current district was formed from the consolidation of five existing weed control districts that had been established as early as 1967. An election, by the landowners within the five districts, approved the consolidation on August 31, 1972. On September 13, 1972, the Logan County Board of County Commissioners appointed the first, five member advisory board to oversee the operation of the district. The weeds listed for control were: Canada thistle, field bindweed, silver-leaf poverty weed, woolly leaf, poverty weed, and whitetop. The district operated with only summer-time employees until 1988. That year a full-time agronomist was hired to operate the district for more effective results. Additional summer-time employees assist the agronomist with weed control efforts. The district remains staffed in such fashion.
The Logan County Pest Control District provides noxious weed control management, education and control assistance to all landowners in Logan County. It is responsible for noxious weed control and chemical vegetation management on all county owned right-of-ways.
The district derives its operating money from a tax levy on the value of land in the district of about 1 mil. The district also receives money from state agencies, railroads and private landowners who use the district’s services.
Prairie Dog Rebate Program
The Prairie Dog Rebate Program is in place for another year for Logan County Landowners only. Detailed instructions for the Prairie Dog Rebate Program are available by using the link below. The rebate form is available below. Remember to retain your retail receipts from purchases!
Prairie Dog Rebate 2025 Instructions