Logan County Commissioners

Logan County Commissioners

Mike Brownell
Joe McBride
Jerry Sonnenberg

Mike Brownell

Commissioner District One


Joe McBride

Commissioner District Two


Jerry Sonnenberg

Commissioner District Three


Logan County Courthouse
315 Main Street, Suite 2
Sterling, CO 80751
(970) 522-0888
(970) 522-4018 (FAX)
8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday - Friday
Closed legal holidays

Commissioners Meetings

Business Meetings are held the first, third and fifth Tuesdays of each month at 9:30 a.m.

Work Sessions are held every Tuesday and begin at 9:00 a.m. and will resume after the Business Meeting if necessary.  

Agendas are prepared on Thursdays.  Items for the agendas are due by noon on Thursday.  If you would like to schedule something for either a Business Meeting or an appointment for the Work Session, please contact Jennifer Crow at jcrow@logancountyco.gov or call 970-522-0888, ext. 221 or contact one of the Commissioners directly (see above contact info.)

Agendas are posted on this page and the Commissioners bulletin board outside the Commissioners Staff room at the Courthouse Friday afternoons by 5 p.m. 

Business Meeting Minutes

Work Session Minutes