Clerk and Recorder On-line Documents

On-line Document Site Instructions:


1)   Click on Enter online document site. 
2)   Check box I'm not a robot. 
3)   Click on accept. 
4)   Note if searching for Plats: 
Search for Plats in the Plat Book/Page Search Field. 
Older Plats do not have a Reception Number or have a Weld County 
Reception Number is not on the Recording System CONTACT THE OFFICE. 
5)  1 Click on Official Records Search. 
6)  1 Click on Advanced Search. 
7)  Can search by:  
*   Name, last name, first name 
*   Business name 
*   Reception number 
*   Book and Page 
8)  Click on the search button on the right side of the screen will pull up search results. 
9)  Click on any entry of the search results to look at the documents. 
10)  Click on view button on the right side of the screen. 
11)  Print with watermarks for free or purchase copy without the watermarks using 
       a credit card. 
12)  Purchase copies put into your shopping cart just like Amazon and then check out. 
13)  If order is complete proceed to check out.  Need more copies click on back to search 
button at bottom left of your screen. 
14)  Credit Card Company charges 3.10% or minimum of $2.00. 

Logan County Clerk and Recorder On-line Document Site


The online index is provided as a public service for your convenience. Updates and corrections occur on a daily basis; however neither the County nor the County Clerk shall incur any liability for omissions with respect to the information provided in this index. For official copies of documents, please visit the Logan County Clerk and Recorder office located at 315 Main Street Suite 3, Sterling Colorado or call (970) 522-1544.