PLEASE DO NOT RESPOND TO ANY TEXT OR EMAIL ASKING YOU TO PAY YOUR TAXES FOR A FEE! Our office does not send out text messages or emails to ask you to pay property taxes and charge an extra fee to to this. This is spam. Do not respond or click on the link. We were contacted by a member of the public who received such a message recently. His taxes were already paid and not on our delinquent list
Patricia "Patty" Bartlett, Logan County Treasurer
Logan County Courthouse
315 Main Street
Sterling, CO 80751
Telephone: (970) 522-2462
Fax: (970)521-4179
8 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. M-F Closed legal holidays
The main functions of the County Treasurer’s Office are to collect taxes and disburse them to the appropriate taxing districts and to maintain and invest the County’s financial resources. As the custodian of County funds, the Treasurer invests with the objectives of legality, safety, liquidity and yield in mind. To enforce collection of all delinquent taxes accomplished through the annual tax sale, distraints and fieldwork by office staff.
Colorado Open Records Act Fee Policy
Logan County Open Records Request Form

Property Tax Payment Dates
Only half or full payments will be accepted. Partial payments are not accepted.
Half Payment Option Deadlines
First Half: February 29, 2024
Second Half: June 15, 2024 (June 17, 2024)
Full Payment Option Deadline
April 30, 2024
If your payment is postmarked after the deadline date, delinquent interest is added to the tax amount according to the following chart:
The property tax statements for the 2024 taxes payable in 2025 have been mailed on January 10, 2025. If you do not receive your statement(s), please call our office at 970-522-2462 and we can print one for you.
In accordance with SB 23-108, the following taxing authorities have elected to give a temporary tax credit for the 2024 taxes and, accordingly, your tax amount due reflects this credit:
Plateau RE-5 School District | 4.392 ttc |
Aims Community College | .052 ttc |
Iliff | 1.495 ttc |
Crook Fire Protection District | 1.000 ttc |
Logan County Courthouse Official Drop Box

The drive-up drop box is located in the parking lot entrance to the Courthouse off of Ash Street on the east end of the parking lot.
The drop box can be used for voted ballots, motor vehicle renewals, tax payments and any other county business after hours or, even during business hours for convenience.
The box will be open 24 hours unless there is a deadline for taxes or after 7 p.m. on election night. The box will be checked once a day at times other than election time when ballots are mailed out. During elections, it will be checked multiple times a day. The box should hold between 750 to 1000 ballots. The box is under 24 hour surveillance. It is a felony to break open or tamper with the box. It is illegal to drop off more than ten ballots in the box for any election.
If there is a problem with the drop box, contact information is on the side of the box.